
Evaluating arts and social inclusion projects

Yesterday I gave a presentation at the Creative Victoria Expert Arts Panel session on evaluating arts impact. Along with me, Deakin Uni's Hilary Glow and Anne Kershaw presented about a recent evaluation they did for Vichealth on arts and wellbeing, and Mark Hogan from Regional Development talked about the Clunes Booktown regional transformation story. Once Creative Victoria upload the full session to the web I will upload a link. In the meantime, I have uploaded my powerpoint presentation here.

Impacts of poetry in schools

Screen Shot 2015-09-22 at 2.53.53 pmKey findings from our evaluation of the Red Room Company's schools poetry education program have now been published as part of the Red Room's annual report. We interviewed students and teachers and conducted a survey of participants from the 2014 program. The company is using the findings in strategic planning and philanthropic work. You can read the key findings and more about the Red Room Company here.

If you would like to talk to us about the evaluation or similar work, please contact Jackie jackie at bypgroup dot com or +61 428 576 372.